Wednesday, July 25, 2007

How do I manage it?

I stayed the same this week. It was a good result considering the amount of alcohol consumed this week!! Last Tuesday, after my victorious weigh in and reaching 3 stone, I left off work early to join Andy and his workmates who were having a BBQ in our back garden. I had some catching up to do, so I joined in rounds of Polish Cherry Vodka shots. That, along with lots of lager and I think I probably had a few WKDs too, wouldn't have done much for my diet! On Saturday we had a BBQ with some friends and the kids had friends round too. Again, I drank a fair few lagers and then when I'd had enough of lager, I went on to WKDs. George's friend brought me a box of chocolates. I handed them round to get rid of them, but once they were opened a few did make their way to my mouth.

So all in all I was a jammy bastard. Again.

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