Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Motivation - CHECK

I think I've found my motivation again!! Hurrah!! I think its the lovely weather we've had the last few days. Today as I walked to work I passed the surf dude shop and remembered one of my wishes - to buy a cute pair of combats and a cute strappy summer top from there.

I've been rubbish lately and have allowed my weight to just go up a pound, down a pound ad infinitum, but I feel it's behind me now. And at lunchtime Andy took me to a cycle shop to buy me a bicycle :D I'm actually going to get it through the work cyclescheme - but I'm chuffed that he offered to buy it for me and I'm encouraged that I can get back to cycling to work. I love walking to work, but I seem to use not-having-time as an excuse far too often and cycling takes much less time.

I'm all smiley.

(and yes, I'm still 221 pounds)

1 comment:

No one Really said...

I haven't said anything for a while. But doesn't mean I'm not thinking about you and wishing you luck.

Just keep it up D.