Thursday, April 10, 2008

Time for a new start ...

The first part of last year I lost 3 stone. Having faffed around since July 07 going up a pound, down a pound, I am now determined to get back on it. I took receipt of my new pushbike on Tuesday. I'm going to stop making excuses and allowing myself so much slack. Give me hassle if you don't see that little car moving towards goal again soon!!

My freaky husband and I have agreed to do a naked photoshoot at some point this year. My freaky husband even told his mum! I must remind myself about this point of getting nekkid each time I waver. I'm also going to keep reminding myself of my original reasons why I wanted to lose weight.

I'm also going to check out my fat pics from the start of my diet regularly.

I have 9 months left of this year. I can lose the next 3 stone in that time.


Anonymous said...


You'll do it because you really want to.

I did a naked photo shoot when I first lost my weight too, it felt bloody amazing :)

I even posted them on skin deep! They're in cert 18 still somewhere I think!

PM if you want my mobile number. I can be a textual supporter too :)


x x x x x x

No one Really said...

I know you can do it Donna. have you thought about getting a Wii Fit (out on the 25th April)? Read the previews on it.

Anyway, Good Luck and keep strong

Donna said...

Thanks Sam - you're an absolute star.

Thanks Paul .. I'm now going to go and read some reviews of Wii Fit - it could be just the ticket. Like a better version of the dance mat?