Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I've started again.

At the weekend I decided I must start again. I've gotten back into all of my bad habits, my clothes are all too tight, so is my skin and I feel like shit.

So on Sunday I started again. I still had a roast on Sunday as I'd planned to, but so far this week apart from that I have been eating mostly salads and fruit.

I weighed myself Monday morning and I was back up to 17 stone, over a stone heavier than I'd managed to get down to.

I can shift that stone by Christmas.

According to the scales this morning, I've lost 4 lbs already, but I'll try not to get too excited until the end of the week, as I know you can fluctuate by a fews pounds each day.

1 comment:

surly girl said...

i'm with you on this - have put on a stone since the wedding and feel horrible.....