Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Happy Waitangi Day ...

It’s weigh-in day today for me and Fi.  How did you get on Minxxy?

I’ve had a good week food-wise.  I had a beerfest Sat night, which I’m a bit concerned will seal my fate this week.  And today is Waitangi Day, which me and my (ex-)BT buddies celebrate (apparantly by filling our mouths with orange peel and pulling faces) along with the New Zealanders.

I’m going to try to eat less curry than usual and drink less beer, but it will be a challenge!!


scootergoth said...

Minxxy has been a bit quiet so maybe she has been a bit norty in the food department. I will spy this afty at your weight loss Donna and will text you mine tonight.

Donna said...

I'll text you too Fi as I'll be out on the lash and internetless. Good luck xx.