Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Stupid alcohol ...

The last few weeks I’ve proved that you can still enjoy a drink or two (and even the occasional curry) and lose weight. However, this week I’ve taken it too far. The demon alcohol got it’s grip on me and today when I go for my weigh in, I think I’ll find that 3 drinking sessions in a week IS NOT GOOD.

Keep everything crossed for me. Food-wise I’ve been an angel.


Inwardly Confused said...

Damn that delicious booze.

scootergoth said...

I have also been a bad girl proving that going to a scooter do and not drinking will be quite hard to do, oh yeah and ive been eating bad things aswell but they tasted so good. My injection wears off next week so im hoping when i knuckle down that the weight will come off a bit quicker