Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Day Two

Well Day One went reasonably well. I ate Fruit n fibre for breakfast, cucumber and tomatoes for mid morning snack, salad (with cheese - which is a bit naughty) for lunch. Fish, new potatoes and corn on the cob for tea.

I swam 20 lengths, despite my nipples popping out of my swimsuit almost every length and I lost an earring in the pool.

I cycled to work and back.

Andy put a battery in the scales and I found I'd actually put on 3½ pounds since I last weighed in, which wasn't as bad as I thought.

Today I cycled to work, had tomatoes mid-morning, cycled to the swimming pool, swam 20 lengths in a different swimsuit, cycled back to work. I've just had a prawn salad and now I'm tucking to (over)ripe cherries. I think I'll have fish for tea again tonight. At this rate I'll be toned up by the weekend ;)

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