Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I lost 4 pounds :D

I attribute my success this week to:

1. Sticking to the food part of the diet pretty much
2. Drinking less beer (only 4 pints over the whole week)
3. 3 hours digging weeding + a couple of hours walking.

I've got everything crossed for you for this week Fi!!


scootergoth said...

If i dont lose any then im coming to live with you!

Donna said...

It would be very interesting to see what happened if we ate/drank exactly the same for a week wouldn't it?

I think that I am very lucky that the diet is working for me. Not drinking so much this week definitely made a difference, but I'll be at Ronnie Biggs this weekend, so I'll be drinking all weekend and the choice of food options will I suspect be limited!!

scootergoth said...

I think its being held in a pub, so unless they change the menu to include everything with chips you might be ok for the odd salad or two, but then again who wants to go on a rally and eat bloody salad???