Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Not so bad after all ...

I lost ½ pound. I felt like I'd been very lucky. Then I heard from Fi that she'd been good all bar one day and had put a pound on and I felt even luckier. Then I re-read my last post and thought, actually if you ignored the alcohol (for a moment), the only bad things were the 2 meals on Tuesday. And, I skipped a couple of meals (which I know you're not really supposed to do, but it's a way of making up for any naughties). I don't snack between meals (well except from the occasions I missed my meals ... Ah! That's why you shouldn't skip meals ... ping ... the penny dropped).

Now, especially for you - this week I won't make you ignore the alcohol - cos I'm not gonna have any (except for Friday night - cos you have to have a night off).

So tell me please. If you'd eaten what I ate this week, would you consider that good, a bit bad, bad, or really bad. Yes, really - I want your opinion (that's assuming any one at all is reading).

And Fi, it sucks you didn't lose. But sometimes it does take 2 weeks to show, so like you said, keep it up til the end of the month, you might lose double this coming week!! And if you don't, convert over to WW with me. My friend Debs has just lost 4 lbs in 2 weeks, so it's not just me.

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