Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Portion size ....

That's my focus for this week. Although on the Core Plan you don't have to weigh everything, you are supposed to stop eating when you are full (derr ... it's a pretty simple concept, but one that many of us fatties struggle with). Twice this week I've eaten to bursting point. On Sunday we had a roast (chicken) with all the trimmings (spuds and parsnips done in that low fat spray stuff), but I didn't have a small portion. No. I got the big plates out.

Then last night I had chilli (which was left over from Saturday), but I finished the lot, which could really have fed two people (Andy had already had his, I didn't deprive him). The trouble is, it was so nice. And it had chick peas in it and I love chilli with chick peas in, so I ate until I was in pain.

I lost one pound this week. When I weighed during the week I'd lost 4 and I felt cheated when the scales went back up. But I think I may have may answer. This week I will put less on my plate and I will listen when my body tells me it's full.

(If anyone is interested, I've updated my weight loss stats here. When I've lost 2 stone, I'll be adding a new photo too.)

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